
Government dismisses '20-mile rule' for children's home placements

Est. Reading: 1 minute

Government dismisses '20-mile rule' for children's home placements

Nearly half of children in residential care are placed outside their home authority. Picture: Morguefile

The government has rejected calls for it to consider prohibiting local authorities from placing children in residential care more than 20 miles from home. Responding to a report by the education [...]

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BAAF chief executive departs after less than six months

Est. Reading: 1 minute

BAAF chief executive departs after less than six months Srabani Sen has left her post as chief executive of the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) it has emerged.

Sen, former chief executive of Contact a Family and, before that, Alcohol Concern, joined BAAF in December 2013, but was replaced at the helm by Barbara Hutchinson, [...]

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Call for councils to lead youth employment schemes

Est. Reading: 1 minute

Call for councils to lead youth employment schemes. The government should hand over responsibility for youth employment schemes to local authorities in order to reduce the number of young people not in education, employment or training (Neet), council leaders have said.

The Local Government Association (LGA) has claimed that almost all young people would be in [...]

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