Risk Reduction Intervention

Risk Reduction Intervention

Risk Reduction Intervention

Risk Reduction Intervention

We provide risk reduction intervention, engaging in investigative risk appraisal interviews with individuals who have had historic convictions or have been suspected/accused of abusing others – but with insufficient evidence to achieve a conviction.

Similarly, we advise on those sexual risk behaviours which may not reach a threshold to convict but may suggest deviant sexual interests, thus potentially posing a risk to children and other vulnerable individuals.

WP-Risk advise and work alongside practitioners to design intervention strategies for engaging clients and where applicable, relevant others. This may include interventions to progress contact/rehabilitation plans and restorative processes.

Such work will often include a need for protective behaviour/risk awareness interventions with partners/others in the family system to promote assertive communication and safe permissible boundaries, before any rehabilitation process commences.

In some situations individuals are motivated to engage in individual, couples or family therapy to address particular issues that may be impeding progression of Care Plan and risk management priorities. WP-Risk consultants who are professionally trained and experienced in such therapeutic task-centred approaches can assist where necessary. The aim would be to avoid ongoing long-term therapy by finding effective solutions.

Therapeutic work with young people residing in family, residential and educational settings

Children and young people who display behaviour that is sexually concerning or harmful is a primary focus for child protection practice.

There is strong evidence to suggest that among young people who sexually abuse there is a substantial proportion that show co-occurring problems, have typically suffered abuse, show poor social competence and impulsiveness, and are coping with disrupted and neglecting family backgrounds. The proportion of young people with learning disabilities is also significant.

Research suggests young people who sexually abuse may often have problems across multiple domains of functioning including intra-personal, social, educational and sexual. Hence the needs of young people with co-morbid difficulties are more likely to benefit from specialised assessment and treatment.

Intervention with young people is generally effective.  Research indicates that recidivism rates for young people who sexually offend is significantly lower than adult sex offenders – Alexander’s (2000) 3-5 year follow-up study found recidivist rate were 7.1% of young people and 13% for adults. (sample N=1000). The relevance of engaging in therapy with this age group is that:

  • Children and young people are more amenable to influence and management by adults
  • Young people are less likely to have fixed patterns of sexual thoughts, fantasises and behaviours.

Children and young people are more likely to respond to appropriate support or therapy to meet the person’s physical, emotional, health, educational and support needs

Risk management collaboration

WP-Risk consultants are able to assume an objective perspective on cases which may be otherwise ‘stuck’, offering advice, solutions and direct engagement to design and instigate risk management plans and strategies to achieve desired outcomes without unnecessary delay.

Learn more about our risk management and collaboration service.

For a free 30 minute consultation please contact us on 01206 878 178 or email enquiry@wp-risk.com

Delivering a diverse, reliable range of services to children and their families across the UK
Registered Address:
Speed Medical House, Matrix Park, Chorley, Lancashire, England, PR7 7NA
Tel: 01206 878178Contact Us

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