WillisPalmer - ISWA merger

WillisPalmer has merged with ISWA Ltd as of 1st April 2017.

WillisPalmer - ISWA merger

WillisPalmer has merged with ISWA Ltd as of 1st April 2017.
ISWA logo

Both WillisPalmer and ISWA are long standing businesses which have collaborated extensively in the past. We hold the same core values and aim to provide services which are child focussed, quality driven and are offered at value for money to local authorities and others.

Together, we will become the largest independent social work agency in the UK, thus offering a large geographical spread, an increased pool of practitioners, wider expertise, and a development allowing for economies of scale.

Please explore our website further to see the full range of services we can offer including Social Work Services, Psychological & Therapy, WillisPalmer Training, Fostering ServicesChild Abuse Litigation and Forensic Risk services.

Delivering a diverse, reliable range of services to children and their families across the UK
Registered Address:
Speed Medical House, Matrix Park, Chorley, Lancashire, England, PR7 7NA
Tel: 01206 878178Contact Us

A Mackman Group collaboration - market research by Mackman Research | website design by Mackman